creation science
Dreams and Visions for the End Times
'And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams' (Acts 2:17)
I have much to share on this but to truly introduce what I have to say you first need to watch the video I recently saw on YouTube. If neither she nor the scriptures can convict you that dreams and visions are for the body of Christ today then probably nothing ever will.
Now that you have listened to her testimony you might be ready to read about my own visions and dreams which I received from the Lord. They had a distinct impact on me as I was writing my 2021 book 'End Times: According to Scripture' (C Pallaghy PhD). My very first vision the Lord gave me was loud and clear - Many are obliviously walking straight into hell unless they repent. The urgency of that message changed my life upside down and has driven me to write both of these books. I was so concerned for my relatives and friends that I spent over 40 years under Bible teachers, and in a personal relationship with Jesus, to become thoroughly equipped to sound a clear warning to all. Our eternal welfare is at stake! This is not a trifling matter.
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