creation science
'The Way of the Cross'
By Charles Pallaghy, Australia 2017
The Spirit speaks
I Ruah Elohim speak
Another gasp
I faint
I dare not
I have something to say
I cannot
My mouth is dry
My tongue
It will not move
I thirst
I cannot see
Ah yes
There she is
I gasp
I shudder
Another breath
I cannot feel
There she is
I see her now
Mary, Mary
I must speak
She is all alone
Mary, John
I stammer forth
Ah its done
I feel relief
My love for her is beyond belief
What had I done
It had to be
The Father is beating me!
A poem revealed to me by the Spirit this very morning on wakening, 29 December, 2017
It behoves us, no, more than that, it is our duty to remember that, every time Jesus flinched on the cross, it was the Father beating Him into total surrender. Not My will, but Yours be done. It pleased the Father to bruise Him,
'Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief' (Isaiah 53:10, King James Version).
The lampstand or candlestick, in the Holy Place, was fashioned from one lump of gold, beaten by many blows into shape. As Jesus explained in the book of Revelations to the apostle John, the lampstand, with its seven lamps, is the church. It is the only light of the world in a dark place. The lampstand symbolised the body of Christ. Like Jesus, it too shall be bruised and beaten into shape. It is Abba love, the Father's love, given to a world that is perishing.